Mark your calendar! Throughout the entire year, Somerset County, NJ wows with distinctive diversions. Lively. Enlightening. Internationally recognized. Gather with community members for events and entertainment encompassing arts, culture and music, open-air and athletic activities, revealing classes and tours, and wholesome fairs, festivals and farmers markets.
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Event Series Irish Seisiun

Irish Seisiun

Irish Seisiun The second AND fourth Thursday of EVERY month! That means its time for our Irish Seisiun! What is an Irish Seisiun? Unlike a performance, the musicians at a seisiun are playing for enjoyment as much for each other as for anyone who comes to listen. There are a core group of players, and others who drop in now and then. In fact, we never know who will show up or what instruments they will play—all completely acoustic and unamplified bringing the barn to life organically! Usually one person will start a tune, and those who know it join in. Musicians play until they feel like stopping or switch tunes. The origin and spirit of this music is in playing for dancers. If Irish dancers drop by to this seisiun, they will be welcome, too! Feel free to make requests if you know an Irish tune. To this group of musicians, virtuosity is less valued than the collective effort.

Event Series Tour of The Rockingham Historic House

Tour of The Rockingham Historic House

Tour of The Rockingham Historic House Come along on an exploration of Rockingham's history, with an emphasis on the period as General Washington's Headquarters in later 1783. While the Continental Congress was meeting in Princeton, Rockingham, home of the prominent Berrien family, served as General George Washington's final Revolutionary War headquarters for over two-and-one-half months in 1783. On October 31, 1783, Washington and Congress received the long awaited news—the final version of the Treaty of Paris had been signed and the thirteen colonies were indeed independent of Great Britain. For eight years Washington had served his country in the Revolutionary War and as one of his last official acts wrote the Farewell Orders to the Armies at Rockingham in late October, in which he expressed his deep admiration and appreciation for the American army and announced his return to civilian life—renouncing any thought of kingship and ensuring the newly-minted country was headed in the direction envisioned in the Declaration of Independence seven years before. Come and see the beautiful house after its 7-month exterior renovation and join us for a tour of Rockingham and its 18th-century period-furnished rooms, with a special focus on General Washington's stay, including who accompanied him and

Moss Wall: Create a Window into Nature

Moss Wall: Create a Window into Nature Join the Blooms at Belle Mead Staff in crafting a "Window into Nature"- Moss Wall! Moss walls have become increasingly popular in recent years because they are great décor pieces for the home or office! They add a touch of lush greenery to a once simple room. Moss walls are also an example of biophilic design- decorating in a way that connects humans with nature within the built environment. Research suggests that elements of biophilic design have proven to reduce stress levels and boost productivity-- A great reason to introduce moss walls into your living space! So if you spend a lot time inside and would like to bring nature indoors, this is the project for you! A Window into Nature- what's included? During this workshop, all the items needed to make one moss wall (8.5"x11") will be included (pictured below). Each person will receive a selection of preserved mosses that vary in shape, texture, and color! Other items to include in your design will be provided: for example, leaves, sticks, and other dried material. To us, the best moss walls are the ones that evoke a natural aura. We encourage you to

Sunset Meditation

Sunset Meditation at RVCC Planetarium How do STEM workers, NASA professionals, athletes, and business executives cope with stress? Mindfulness. Meditation is a powerful tool for maintaining psychological health and resilience. Since the planetarium offers a dark and quiet space for relaxation, it is the perfect place for meditation. Enjoy a guided meditation experience in the comfortable, reclined seats in the RVCC Planetarium. View an amazing sunset as you travel from the Grand Canyon to the North Pole. Then relax under a night sky filled with stars and glimpses of the Northern Lights (Recommended for ages 10-adult)

In the Swamp Tonight

In the Swamp Tonight at The EEC (All Ages, 6 years and older with parent) Join a Naturalist and learn about life after dark in the swamp. On the darkest night of the month head out for an exploratory hike and or look through the telescope at the planets and stars. In the event of bad weather, the reschedule date is Saturday, January 13, 7:00pm-8:00pm.

Bee Sharps’ Cowboys & Cowgirls Dance

Bee Sharps' Cowboys & Cowgirls Dance Dress up, saddle up, and say "Hey, y'all" and "Yee haw" ! Date / Time: Friday, Jan. 22, 2023 @ 7:30 to 10:15 PM (Early Rounds @ 7:30 PM) Theme: Dress your best Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill ! Caller / Cuer: Dan Koft (PA) / Steve Bradt (PA) Formats: Mainstream / Plus / Rounds (Early Rounds @ 7:30pm) Location: The PeopleCare Center, 120 Finderne Avenue, Bridgewater, NJ * Live Lively, Square Dance !

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