Mark your calendar! Throughout the entire year, Somerset County, NJ wows with distinctive diversions. Lively. Enlightening. Internationally recognized. Gather with community members for events and entertainment encompassing arts, culture and music, open-air and athletic activities, revealing classes and tours, and wholesome fairs, festivals and farmers markets.
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Perfect Little Planet

NJ, United States

A family from another star system is seeking the perfect vacation spot. Fly over the surface of Pluto, our best known dwarf planet; sail through the rings of Saturn; feel Jupiter’s lightning storms; and walk on the surface of Mars. Which destination will they choose? (Recommended for ages 6-12)

Laser Pop Rock

NJ, United States

Lasers dance across the dome while we listen to songs you can sing along with.  Songs include "Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi, “Best Day of My Life” by American Authors, “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Jae Jepsen, and "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift to name just a few.  (recommended for ages 6-12)

Black Holes

NJ, United States

“Black Holes” takes audience members on a journey through one of the most mystifying, awe-inspiring phenomena in the universe: a black hole.  Take a virtual tour through space and explore the science and mystery of black holes: Where do they come from? How do we find them? Is there one on Earth’s horizon?  Weather permitting, the 3M Observatory will be open after the show. (Recommended for ages 8 to adult)

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