Mark your calendar! Throughout the entire year, Somerset County, NJ wows with distinctive diversions. Lively. Enlightening. Internationally recognized. Gather with community members for events and entertainment encompassing arts, culture and music, open-air and athletic activities, revealing classes and tours, and wholesome fairs, festivals and farmers markets.
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Muse Cirque Flip Fabrique

NJ, United States

This dazzling eclectic group of cirque performers will choose between a football uniform or ballet costume, challenge themselves to accomplish death-defying acts, and celebrate all that inspires them to go beyond what they ever thought was possible. Set to an original score by beatmaker Millimetric and featuring live onstage vocals by singer Flavia Nascimento, this performance combines breathtaking artistry and athleticism. Whether wearing high heels or shoulder pads, the acrobats' playful, exciting, and gravity-defying performance is sure to amaze. Hailing from Québec City, Cirque FLIP Fabrique is an established troupe whose shared dream is to create cirque shows that are inspired by artistry, imagery, personality, and the human experience. FLIP Fabrique wishes to thank the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and the City of Québec for their financial support.

Learning the Birds by Song Series

NJ, United States

Led by Randy Little, Associate Naturalist For beginners and those with some experience, this birding-by-song series will improve your bird identification skills. More often than not, birds are heard before they are seen (if seen at all!) Learning their songs will add another dimension to your birdwatching. Randy Little is a former NJA board member and long-time NJA volunteer. Randy learned birding as a youngster under the wings of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology’s founders and is a master at recording bird songs for the Cornell Lab. This series will begin Thursday March 2 and continue every Thursday evening until April 6.  March 2 & 9 classes will cover the winter resident birds, March 16 & 23 classes will cover the early migrant birds, and March 30 & April 6 classes will cover the summer resident birds.  After the end of the series participants may join Randy for a free, outdoor, “practical hands-on” Learning the Birds by Song walk at the Sanctuary. COST PER CLASS: $10 members, $15 nonmembers. Interested in becoming a member? Please click on the following link to learn more or join: Become a Member today! IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This class will be held in-person at Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary.

Woodcock Watch

NJ, United States

Enjoy a night watching the American Woodcock in their annual sky song-and-dance at Fairview Farm! Alan Rennie will start us off with an outdoor presentation on these quirky birds, and then guide participants to two of Fairview Farm’s meadows, which serve as popular Woodcock singing fields. $10 per person Friday, March 24 at 6:45 pm Registration is required. Click here to sign up! For more information, please contact Lauren Theis at

Sunset Meditation

NJ, United States

How do STEM workers, NASA professionals, athletes, and business executives cope with stress? Mindfulness. Meditation is a powerful tool for maintaining psychological health and resilience. Since the planetarium offers a dark and quiet space for relaxation, it is the perfect place for meditation. Enjoy a guided meditation experience in the comfortable, reclined seats in the RVCC Planetarium. View an amazing sunset as you travel from the Grand Canyon to the North Pole. Then relax under a night sky filled with stars and glimpses of the Northern Lights. (Recommended for ages 10-adult)

Yesterday And Today: The Interactive Beatles Experience

NJ, United States

Yesterday and Today: The Interactive Beatles Experience is the nation’s most innovative and unique show utilizing the works of the Beatles. Through requests and memories, Yesterday and Today tells the audience’s story using the Beatles catalogue. The set list is created as the show happens, based upon the songs chosen by the audience, and the reasons for choosing those songs make up the narrative for the evening. Every show is different, every show is interactive and Yesterday and Today: The Interactive Beatles Experience proves that the Beatles music truly is the soundtrack to our lives.

Event Series Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web

NJ, United States

A story of relationships with the enchanting characters from the book: Wilbur, the irresistible young pig; Fern, a girl who understands what animals say to each other; Templeton, the gluttonous rat; the Zuckerman family; the Arables; and, most of all, the extraordinary spider, Charlotte, who proves to be “a true friend.” Determined to save Wilbur, Charlotte begins her campaign with the "miracle" of her web. This is a beautiful, knowing play about friendship that will provide an evening of enchantment.

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