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NJ Audubon Photography Instructors’ Summer Exhibition
NJNJ Audubon Photography Instructors’ Summer Exhibition The New Jersey Audubon Photography Instructors’ Summer Exhibition will be held June 1 through September 24, 2023. Join the instructors for Sherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary photography workshop series for an exhibit of nature-oriented photography Phil and Becky Witt, David and Cathy DesRochers, Jack and Ellen Moskowitz and Jacki Dickert will have a show of their nature- oriented images in the Wayrick Wildlife Art Gallery! Gallery Hours Tuesday through Saturday: 9:00am to 5:00pm Sunday: Noon to 5:00pm Closed: Mondays Cost: FREE Location: Wayrick Wildlife Art Gallery on the second floor of the Scherman Hoffman Sanctuary, 11 Hardscrabble Rd. in Bernardsville.
An Elite View of Sports and Nature: James Fiorentino
NJAn Elite View of Sports and Nature A collection of famous athlete portraits and masterful nature paintings in watercolor by James Fiorentino May 5 – July 8, 2023 JAMES FIORENTINO
Starlit Cinema
NJDowntown Somerville is excited to announce that the Starlit Cinema outdoor movie series will be returning for the 2023 summer season! Join us on Thursdays in July August (July 6th -August 10th) on Division Street for an outdoor movie experience in the heart of Downtown Somerville. Tired of wasting your money on summer blockbusters that turn out to be flops and spending $10 on flat soda? Picture this instead: a night out with a guaranteed-awesome movie on a giant screen with a state-of-the-art sound system, surrounded by friends, family, fresh air, and the best food in New Jersey. Oh, and the show is free. Crazy, right? All shows start at approximately 8:30 PM on Division Street.