Earn even more prizes with Sip & See Somerset!

Somerset County Tourism is kicking #SipandSeeSomerset up a notch. Now, when you make a purchase at any of our Sip & See Somerset locations, you can get rewarded! Use the form below to submit your proof of purchase! Purchases must be made at a participating location (Bellemara Distillery, Burnt Mills Cider, Brooks Brewery, Flounder Brewing, Jersey Cyclone Brewing, Village Brewing, Uproot, Red Horse by David Burke – Bernards Inn, Tapastre, Project PUB, Verve, The Landing). 

Purchases must be made within a full calendar month (example would include any purchase between November 1 through November 30) and must be submitted by the 5th of the following month (following the same example, receipt must be submitted by December 5). A winner will be notified of their win by the 10th. 

Stay tuned for a new prize each month!

Sip & See Drawing

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