Memorial Day Celebrations

Memorial Day Celebrations

Kick off Memorial Day in Somerset County! Line the streets, wave your flags, and celebrate! Honor our heroes with parades, ceremonies, and community spirit – Let’s make some memories!

Neshanic Station Memorial Day Parade

The annual Neshanic Station Memorial Day Parade, hosted by the Neshanic Volunteer Fire Company, will be on Monday, May 27th. The parade will step off from the firehouse at 9:30 AM and follow the traditional route: Maple Avenue to Elm Street to Pearl Street to Olive Street to Pleasant Run Road and back to the firehouse!

Franklin Memorial Day Parade

Join for the annual Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27th beginning 12 PM from New Brunswick Rd to the Municipal Complex. New Brunswick Rd to the Municipal Complex with a ceremony following the parade!

Bernards Memorial Day Parade

Bernards Township Memorial Day Parade – celebrating in front of Bernards Town Hall 9:00am May 27!

Bernardsville Memorial Day Parade

Join The Bernardsville Fire Company No.1 and First Aid Squad for the Memorial Day Parade from Bernardsville Library to City Hall!

Warren Memorial Day Parade

The Memorial Day Parade is back for 2024! Monday, May 27th, starting at 11:00 AM sharp the parade will begin.  The parade will go be on Mt Bethel Road and Mountain Blvd.  After the parade a ceremony will be taking place, and a picnic will follow the parade!

North Plainfield Memorial Day Ceremonies

Join for North Plainfield’s Memorial Day Ceremonies, honoring the sacrifice of our heroes all around North Plainfield starting at 9am, May 27!

Rolling Thunder Nationwide Ride for Freedom

Sunday, May 26th 2024 Assembly at Raritan Valley Community College 118 Lamington Rd. Branchburg, NJ 08876! 7:00am to 12:00pm KSU: 12PM Sharp! Plus an after party at Village Elementary School including food!

Salute to Military Service Breakfast, Memorial Day Parade, Commemoration Program
Join Hillsborough Saturday, May 25th, for the Annual Salute to Veterans Breakfast, Memorial Day Parade, and Garden of Honor Commemoration Program, honoring all military service personnel with special guest Grand Marshall Meghann Valeo.

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