Abraham Staats House

Abraham Staats House

17 Von Steuben Lane
South Bound Brook, NJ 08880
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Abraham Staats House

The Abraham Staats House is an exceptional example of 18th- and early 19th-century Dutch and Federal architecture. The Dutch section, constructed circa 1740, has Dutch-style cast-iron hinges, board-and-batten doors, Dutch mantels and woodwork and exposed beams. The Federal section has an intact door surround with delicate leaded glass and original Federal mantel.

The house was the headquarters for General Baron von Steuben in the spring of 1779 during the Continental Army’s Middlebrook Cantonment (Second Middlebrook Encampment). General Washington is said to have visited Von Steuben at the house on two occasions. The house is owned by the Borough of South Bound Brook and is currently undergoing restoration. The Friends of the Abraham Staats House support the restoration, preservation and interpretation of the House. Tours are by appointment.

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