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Pine Barrens Paddle
Pine Barrens Paddle (All Ages, 10 years and older with parent) Pine Barrens streams offer some of the best paddling in the state! Enjoy pristine, tea-colored streams through old cranberry bogs, rich wetland meadows, and pitch pine forest. The river destination will be determined by water level. Participants will meet at the Environmental Education Center, 190 Lord Stirling Road, Basking Ridge, NJ. Pre-registration is required.
Mixed-Media Magical Garden Mushrooms
Mixed-Media Magical Garden Mushrooms Join artist Mariya Kovalyov for this enchanting two-day workshop, designed for teens and adults. Day one is sculpting and building with polymer clay, and day two is painting and decorating with natural and found materials. No art experience necessary. Materials will be provided. For ages 12 and above. Fee: $40 per person
The Bradford PJ Brunch
The Bradford PJ Brunch Pancakes and Pajamas, what’s not to love? Grab your best PJ’s and join Sunday, September 22nd for a Pajama Brunch at The Bradford! Reservations are now
2024 Basilone Parade
2024 Basilone Parade The Annual Parade in honor of John Basilone, the only enlisted Marine - To be awarded both The Congressional Medal of Honor and The Navy Cross.- To return to action after being presented the Medal of Honor and be killed in action. What time does the parade begin and end?At 1 PM the parade leaves from the Raritan Train Station. The parade usually lasts until around 2:30PM. Directly after the parade there is a ceremony and speech at the Basilone Statue Where does the parade march??The parade begins at the train station coming out on Thompson Street and moving onto LaGrange Streeteventually it comes out on Somerset Street (the main street in Raritan) at the corner of Reimer Street. It moves westward on Somerset Street and ends at Gaston Avenue.
Boba Tea: 101 at the Horse Farm
Awad's Farm Milburn Drive, Hillsborough TownshipBoba Tea: 101 at the Horse Farm Calling all boba tea and horse lovers!!! Come and learn the secrets of the famous Taiwanese drink, boba tea !! We invite you to learn how to make varieties of boba tea drinks. Experience a fun and exciting hands on boba tea class with skilled boba expert, Chef Sakinah! Alongside horse trainer Khadija of Awad's Farm! Guest will learn how to make the following: Jasmine Fruit Teas (Strawberry, Mango, Passion Fruit, Lychee, etc.) Classic / Brown Sugar Milk Tea Taro Milk Tea Including a wide varieties of different toppings, such as fruit jellies and popping boba. Guest will be able to create there own signature boba tea drink! Please arrive 15 mins early to check in. Ticket Pricing: Early Registration - $50 Late Registration - $55 If guests are experience any symptoms from sickness, we ask that you please stay home. Event will take place on a horse farm outside. Must be 18yrs or older to attend.
Drumming in the Garden
Drumming in the Garden Join instructor Dana McCurdy in a guided, hands-on, and interactive drumming circle in one of our inspiring gardens. Experience a therapeutic, meditative, and fun hour of connection and community. No musical experience is necessary and percussion instruments will be provided. For all ages, with adult supervision. Fee: $10 per person
Blood and Ink
Blood and Ink Blood and Ink: The Scandalous Jazz Age Double Murder That Hooked America on True Crime The Hall Mills murders, September 1922 were the first double murders to take the country and the world by storm. Books have been written about the event, the people, the trial, and this book by Joe Pompeo takes the still unsolved double murder through the eyes of a journalist and the news reports of the day. An engaging speaker with a new perspective! Joe Pompeo is a veteran magazine journalist, most recently as a senior correspondent for Vanity Fair, and he’s written for the New York Times, the New Yorker, New York, Bloomberg Businessweek and many other publications.